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Saturday, March 26, 2011


I went to the mall this weekend and I could not resist going to LUSH! I love the soap line, like the bombs, which have a really good aroma and leaves your skin really soft too! It's like you are going to a spa day in your own jaccuzi! I also love that the Lush products, because they are all natural and use fresh organic fruit and vegetables and the finest oils. Here are some of my purchases!


The conforter bubble bar

Vainilla fountain

Ickle baby bot



Rainbow worrier

Happy blooming

Saturday, March 12, 2011


I went to Atlanta with my husband, who had a business meeting there, I could not resist going shopping! I just had to visit the stores that I don't have at home, like H&M, Nordstrom, and Trader Joes! We had a really good time tasting all the different restaurants too! Here are a few pictures I want to share with you from my Atlanta Haul!!